About Us
Support Services
The Merritt Home and School Association (HSA) is the parent association of the Merritt Memorial School. The mission of the Merritt HSA is to promote communication between the home and school, enhance the curriculum wherever possible in concert with the teachers and administration, promote the welfare of the children, and bring into a closer relationship the home and school so that the parents or guardians and teachers may cooperate intelligently and effectively in the education of each child.
The HSA supports students at Merritt school in a variety of ways. MMS teachers and their programs are supported through volunteer efforts in the classroom, lunchroom, library, and through our Teacher Enrichment Grant Program. The HSA enhances the curriculum by sponsoring programs such as: assemblies, author visits, classroom enhancements, field trips, child safety and after school programs. HSA-sponsored special events for students and their families include the fall picnic, fall and spring book fairs, Halloween parties, International Day, Earth Week, Field Day, and the annual Merritt Goes to the Mountains trip. Additionally, the HSA provides and manages the school lunch program and provides high school scholarships for graduating MMS students.
For more information about the Merritt HSA, please visit their website at merritthsa.org or email merritthsa@yahoo.com.
The Merritt Korean Parents Association (KPA) was founded for Korean families in Merritt to effectively communicate and exchange information amongst themselves as well as with the school. It also aims to support and work in collaboration with the school and HSA to better serve our students and community by raising funds and participating in different events throughout the year.
For more information about the Merritt KPA, please email merrittkpa@gmail.com.
The Cresskill Education Foundation's (CEF) main mission is to provide funds to the four Cresskill Public Schools, in order to expand academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment opportunities for our students, through programs, projects, and tools which could not otherwise be funded through the regular school budget.
The CEF exists as a broad based, non-profit community organization. Initially incorporated in September 1990, the CEF is perhaps best known for its annual Concert for the Arts and sponsorship of the 4th and 5th grade theatrical/musical productions (Cresskill Elementary Theatre Experience CETE). Certificates of Appreciation, another fundraiser, provide a cost-effective way to recognize teachers while supporting the schools. Our newest fundraising event, Bark for Education held in May, is fun for the whole community. Participants can enter their dogs for fun contests such as "waggiest tail, biggest smile, best costume, best tricks, and more." Other fundraisers have included 5K runs, the M.U.S.E. Concerts with David Broza in 1992 and 1998, The Cresskill Earthfest, and the Everything under the Sun Bazaar.
Through its fundraisers, the CEF has raised in excess of $500,000 to support programs and provide materials in each of the four Cresskill schools, primarily through grants requested by Cresskill faculty. A few highlights include: upgrades to the sound systems at the schools, acoustic pianos, reading readiness materials and anti-bullying materials, weather stations at the elementary schools, Smartboards and computers for all the schools, a broadcast studio, robotics materials and band uniforms for the high school.
In the future, the CEF aspires to grow and adapt to meet the changing needs of the Cresskill education system, helping it maintain its place as one of the finest in the state. The CEF wishes to thank everyone for their support and looks forward to your continued support in future years.
For more information about the CEF, please visit their website at cresskilleducationfoundation.org or email cresskilleducationfoundation@yahoo.com.
For more information about Cresskill Recreation, please visit their website here or email jmitchell@cresskillboro.org.
For more information about the Borough of Cresskill, please visit their website at cresskillboro.com.